Monday, June 22, 2015

Simple affordable family immune enhancement project

Immune strength? 
I think the most important things for boosting your immune system 
are drinking enough water and getting enough sleep.
It's hard to do even though it’s so easy!

So, around this time of the year, 
my drinking water project is featured on my Blog. 
I call this project "flavored water supplement for 2% more flavor”.

If you are participating in this project, 
you might notice someone in your family, 
who used be the worst at not drinking water, 
show significant behavioral changes.

Sometimes it's tough for me to drink a glass of water, 
but I realized that now I drink 8 cups of water in a day unconsciously.
How easy and great is this for my immune strength project?

All component and nutrient analysis of the ingredients that 
I use for flavor come from the encyclopedia. 

In a 100 gram serving, 
raw pineapple is an excellent source of 
manganese (44% daily value (DV) and vitamin C (58% DV).

Lemons are a rich source of vitamin C, 
providing 64% of the Daily Value in a 100 g serving.
Lemons contain numerous phytochemicals, 
including polyphenols and terpenes.
As with other citrus fruits, they have significant 
concentrations of citric acid (about 47 g/l in juice).

Ginger contains up to 3% of a fragrant essential oil.
One traditional medical form of ginger historically was called 'Jamaica ginger'; 
it was classified as a stimulant and carminative and 
used frequently for dyspepsia, gastroparesis, 
slow motility symptoms, constipation, and colic.

Some studies indicate ginger may provide short-term relief 
of pregnancy-related nausea and vomiting.
Studies are inconclusive about effects for other forms of nausea 
or in treating pain from rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, 
or joint and muscle injury. 

Tea brewed from ginger is a common folk remedy for colds. 
Ginger ale and ginger beer are also drunk as stomach settlers 
in countries where the beverages are made.

The historical uses of the 3 ingredients 
that are used for the flavors used for colds, cough, sore throats, fatigue and more.
I would guess that there must be some immune enhancing effects 
of my “flavored water supplement for 2% more flavor” project. Right?

Simple affordable family immune enhancement project:  

flavored water supplement for 2% more flavor. 

Ingredients (4 servings for daily drinking water): 
1 small pineapple, 
1 lemon, 
8 ginger slices, 
4 fresh mint or 4 lemon verbena leaves 
(optional, these are from my organic herb garden). 

Ready / 

Pineapples are easy to peel when cut down with a knife. 
Cut in slices the pineapple and then cut into cubes. 

Slice lemon and ginger. 
Cut the lemons in halves and slice into tiny pieces. 
Organic lemon is better for using the whole skin. 
Ginger is neatly peeled off the bark. 

The discarded pineapple and ginger barks can be used 
for my home spa bath after boiling; 
it makes my skin softer and also this is a feeding immunity for my skin. 

 Drinking water project /  
Prepare your favorite 25 oz. jars. 
First, put the sliced pineapple, ginger and lemon into the 4 jars. 

Finally, decorate with mint or lemon verbena leave 

and pour the water and fill the jars with water. 
I added sweet orange, spicy caffeine-free tea bag in the flavored water.
Serve with straws.  

It can be refilled the water at least for 2 days.

The flavored water bottles must be kept in the refrigerator.

Surprising news about herbs: 
all herbs are among the highest nutrient 
dense foods according to Harvard research 
by Dr. Mat Lalonde as a basic national nutritional analysis data of USDA. 
Sources: Kresser, Chris (2014). The Paleo Cure. Little Brown.p. 70. 
ISBN 978-0-316-32292-8. 

Mini cocktail umbrellas are for fun at a summer party. 

The water taste is perfect.
Drinking Water Project is 100% success.

Drinking flavored water for 2 or 3 days
is effective than eating the fruits for a second.

The left over fruits can be used as a meat marinade and tenderizer 
due to proteolytic enzymes in pineapple called Bromelain.
Ground all the left over fruits and store in freezer and use as you need.

Source from Ginger :
Present in all parts of the pineapple plant, 
bromelain is a mixture of proteolytic enzymes. 
Bromelain may be unsafe for some users, 
such as in pregnancy, allergies or anticoagulation therapy.
If having sufficient bromelain content, 
raw pineapple juice may be used as a meat marinade and tenderizer. 

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